DP Offshore Training
DP Offshore Training
Registration Process

Candidate can register by sending mail to dptraining@yakindia.com OR Whatsapp on +91 9930057477

Note: Candidates who will attend DP INDUCTION course will be provided an extra certificate of KONGSBERG SIMULATOR which has immense value in offshore market, free of cost

Course Discount Amount (Inr / Rs.)
1 DP Induction (Basic) 40,000
2 DP Simulator (Advanced) 40,000
3 DP Seatime Reduction Course 40,000
4 DP Vessel Maintainer (DPVM) Course 55,000
6 DP Refresher and Competency Assessment Course W.E.F. January 2024 40,000
7 DP Familiarisation Course 30,000
8 DP Revalidation Course 50,000

YAK DP TRAINING CENTRE is the first Indian company training centre which has been accredited by Nautical Institute, UK on 11th Aug'2010. The centre is equipped with KONGBERG K POS DP simulator system for both basic and advance courses.

In meeting the continued expansion of interest in Oil and Gas industry, Yak DP Training Centre has developed Dynamic Positioning Training at Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

The center is located at CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai and provides a cost effective solution to the offshore industry's increasing need for competently trained DP Operators. With numerous DG-S approved and other value added courses running through the year, Yak is able to accommodate both individual delegates and also corporate sponsored block bookings.

Yak DP Training Center is committed to providing a quality training to offshore professionals. Yak is also member of IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) and is dedicated to deliver and develop the industries 'best practices' standards.

Our DP Training is at par with international standards and is open to all nationalities.

Upon completion of training, the candidate will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the principle of dynamic positioning system.
2. Setup and operate dynamic positioning & dynamic positioning related equipments.
3. Recognise the various alarms and warnings related to various sub systems i.e power plant, position reference, communications & so on.
4. Relate to DP operations, the limited conditions presented by wind, seas, current, tides and vessel movements. (capability plots and footprint plot)
5. Practice the setting up and monitoring of DP system.


Online exam conducted by NI on the last day of course. Candidates will recieve certificate and logbook after successful passing the online exam.

Course Name Duration Fees (Rs)
DP Basic (05 Days) 40,000

This course is the first phase of the certification process stipulated by The Nautical Institute (UK). The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has acknowledged The Nautical Institute (UK) certification requirement as an industry standard and is also recognised by International maritime Organization (IMO)

The Objectives:
1. Impart knowledge of dynamic positioning (DP), inter-alia, the related practical use of DP and th systems limitations.
2. Adequate training on operation of DP Systems, PRS and the recognition of alarms and warninigs.
3. The importance of position reference systems, their limitations and related control systems including PMS.
4. The effect of wind, sea, current, tides and vessels movement relative to DP operations (capability plots and footprints).
5. Candidates who are willing to change over from Main Fleet to Offshore, will gain knowledge as to the working of offshore industry as well type of vessels involved with Offshore industry & use of DP systems on Offshore vessels, in addition, use of DP system on Cruise vessels, container vessels, shuttle tankers & FPSO's.
6. The participants will further learn the operational procedures, Rules and Regulations that are required by offshore industry on DP Vessels.

Navigators with general knowledge of vessel maneuvering, DP operators and other users of DP systems.

Course Contents:
Each participants will be provided with a desktop and would be presented a curriculum of theoretical lessons and practical exercises as may be necessary.
The course will cover following points
1. Definition of DP, DP systems and redundancy.
2. The DP Systems functions and principles.
3. The types of DP vessels and the operations carried out by them.
4. The usefulness and limitation of DP System.
5. The consequence and capability analysis.
6. Procedure for operating DP systems.

Course Name Duration Fees (Rs)
DP Advance (05 Days) 50,000

The Objectives:
1. To provide hands on experience in execution of real time DP oprations.
2. To provide participants with a thorough practical knowledge of DP operations under all circumstances under simulated training systems.
3. Carefully planned exercises and real time situations prepare the candidates to confidently & competently tackle any situation that may arise when on DP.
4. To assess the preparedness of participants to undertake operations under all types of situations including emergencies.

With the basic induction course and having complete 30 days DP watchkeeping on DP vessel.

Course Contents:
This course will be based on teaching imparted on a state-of-the art DP system. The curriculum will be based on participants adopting different roles and train on varied simulation exercises including planning, communication, awareness, anticipation & execution.
The curriculum will provide insights into the practical aspects of DP operation by practical training involving the following:
1. Case study on accidents and incidents on DP vessels.
2. Chart work & planning on UTM charts.
3. Prepare model assignments on DP projects including contingency operations.
4. Learn and apply DP applications on other offshore vessels.
5. Participate in simulated DP operations.

DP Maintenance COURSE
Course Name Duration Fees (Rs)
DP Maintenance (05 Days) 50,000
  10,000 The above fees includes NI Log Book

Fee Cancellation Policy:
1. Atleast 50% fees required for booking.
2. Part payment must be paid before commencement of the training.
3. Full refund will be done if course cancelled before 24 hrs of commencement of the training.
4. 50% will be refunded if course cancelled before 12 hrs of commencement of the training.
5. No refund if you apply to cancel the course within 12 hrs of commencement of the training.

YAK DP Training Certificate